South Florida Theatre League Relief Fund

Irene Adjan Brenda Alford Francis Allen Ann Anthony Peter & Terry Armour Sue Arrowsmith Andie Arthur Anonymous Maria Banda-Rodaz Maureen L. Barrett Noel Barry Jomills Braddock Kay Brady Marcus Braswell Tanya Bravo Marsha Brown Thomas Caffrey Therese Callison Gino Campodonico & Joseph Quinones Kent Chambers-Wilson Christine Chavers Phillip Church Sonia Cordoves Gabriela Furtado Coutinho Mary-Margaret Dale Tim Davis Linda Drozdow Cheryl Dunn Bychek David and Gail Ehrlich Andy Elisburg Angelina Esposito Caryl Fantel Chuck Field Susi, Alan, Jake & Pete FeinFall Daryl Fortson Gabriela Furtado Coutinho Desmond Gallant Peter Galman Patti Gardner Rayner G. Garranchan Gail Garrisan Michael Gioia David Glaser Marcie Gorman Marlene Green Kimberly Greenawalt Christina Grice Shirley Gross Josie Gulliksen Carey Hart Darcy Hernandez Luis Herrera Bill & Oline Hirschman Kathleen Holmes & Louis Tyrrell Ilana Jael Jerry K. Jensen Bona Jesurum Steve and Meghan Kanzer Jessica Kaschube Carol Kassie Gloria and Armond Katz Darlene Keelor Stacy Keelor Shelley Keelor Marina Kievsky Jill Kratish Peter Krause Yves LaFrance, Flipstone Partners Karen & Jeff Lazzaro Margaret Ledford Wayne LeGette Noah Levine Kurt Liphardt Anthony Lopez Ivan R. Lopez Glenn Lurie Brian M Amy Mahon John Manzelli Beverly Markowitz Adrianna Matamoros Brian McCormack Michael McKenzie Kelly Melchiondo Janet Melk Stuart Meltzer Martha Membiela Miami New Drama Nate and Harriet Miller Thomas Moran Margot Moreland Michelle Noguera Cynthia O’Brien Andrea O'Connell Marjorie O'Neill-Butler Daryl Patrice Gabriel Perez Michael and Mary Ellen Peyton Elizabeth Price Laura Quinn Gladys Ramirez James Randolph Nicholas Richberg Patrick Rodriguez Sara Rogers Arianna Rose Vanessa Rubio-Prado Hiram Ruiz David Schrader Bill Schwartz Dave & Darlene Smith Jane Spinney Matthew Stabile Sandy Staub Wayne Steadman Stella Bella Entertainment Emily Sucher Carol Sussman Laurie Tanner Heather Tatreau TB Consulting Terrie Temkin Laura Titus Beli Torres Gabriela Tortoledo David Umbrach John K. Walton Donna Warfield Susan Westfall Jennifer Weiner What if Works Inc. Catherine Wichmann Matthew Wright Krystal Millie Valdes Richard Van Berkel and Bruce Karp Michael Yawney 2urn

In 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the South Florida Theatre League launched a Relief Fund, to help theatre companies pay those who they had to lay off due to the pandemic. The following folks have donated directly to the South Florida Theatre League Relief Fund.

In April 2023, the Relief Fund was reactivated to help victims of the flooding in Fort Lauderdale.

 South Florida Theatre League Sponsors

PRODUCERS ($1,000 +)
Broward County Cultural Division
Luciana Caplan
The Collective at Keller Williams in Memory of Paul Reekie
The Knight Foundation
Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs
Jana Tift
Conor Walton and Mark Traverso

DIRECTORS ($800-$999)
Phillip Church

ACTORS ($500-$799)
Keith Garsson
Michael Peyton

MANAGERS ($250-$499)
Chuck Field
Jerry Jensen

DESIGNERS ($100-$249)
William E. Brewer
City Theatre
Cheryl Dunn Bycheck
Florida Children’s Theatre
Mark and Sandi-Jo Gordon in Memory of Alvin Entin
Carey Briana Hart
Michel Hausmann
Kurt Liphardt
Miami New Drama
New City Players
Bari Newport
Gladys Ramirez
Dave Smith
Theatre Lab
Richard van Berkel
Susan Westfall
Michael Yawney
Zoetic Stage

TECH CREW ($99 and under)
Christina Alexander
Brenda Alford
Maria Banda-Rodaz
Diane Berman
Beth Boone
Jomills Braddock
Paul and Angelina Catledge
Rebecca Chancy
Alisa Cohen

Sonia Cordoves
Tim Davis
Vanessa Elise

Janet Erlick
Angelina Esposito
Caryl Fantel
Patti Gardner
Rayner G. Garranchan
Elizabeth Garrard
William Hector

Luis Herrera
Bona Jesurum
Jill Kratish

Aaron Krause
Paul Lawrence
Margaret Ledford
Michael Leeds
Ivan Lopez
Amy Mahon
William Mahone
Brian McCormack
Dax McKeever
Martha Membiela
Marjorie O’Neill-Butler
Nicole Perry
Nicholas Richberg
Patrick Rodriguez
Sara Rogers
Rachel Sexton

Paul Siegel
Linda Stein
Sandi Stock
Vaugh-Rian St. James
Laurie Tanner
Beli Torres
Louis Tyrell
Krystal Millie Valdes
Les Wharton


If you would like to help the entire theatre community by making a donation to the South Florida Theatre League, please send a check to:

South Florida Theatre League
111 NE 1st St., Suite 905
Miami, FL 33132

Or you can donate online by clicking here.

For more information on individual and corporate sponsorship or Summer Theatre Fest sponsorship opportunities, please contact Andie Arthur at