In a dystopian future where a Christian Nationalist regime has come to power following a successful insurrection against the US Government, Paul and his teenage daughter, Sarah, live under the radar in a small town upstate as Christian-passing, despite being Jews who fled New York City. When an ancient Yiddish-speaking woman arrives on their doorstep, Paul and Sarah are forced to decide between fleeing again or fighting for their faith, their heritage and their identity.
Deborah Zoe Laufer returns to The Lab for her fourth production and second world premiere. After enjoying its first public reading at our 2022 New Play Festival, this timely play is currently in the midst of an NNPN Rolling World Premiere. Theatre Lab will be the second stop on its journey – after a massively successful production at Interact Theatre in Philadelphia this past spring.
October 26-November 10, 2024
Performances Thursday-Saturday at 7:30pm, Saturday & Sundays at 3pm
* No Saturday matinees on 10/26
Tickets: $35-$45